
Petar Mlinarić profile picture

I am a postdoc at the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech. Previously, I was a postdoc and a PhD student in the CSC group at MPI Magdeburg. My research is in the area of model order reduction, and I am one of the main developers of pyMOR.

Contact Info

My work email is: mlinaric at vt dot edu.

Public Profiles

Curriculum Vitae

Available here: CV

My Name

As a Croatian with a Croatian name, my name can pose challenges for non-Croats.

The Croatian language is (mostly) phonetic, i.e., every letter corresponds to exactly one sound. The trouble is that the sounds are not exactly the same as in English or German (also, there are accents, which are typically not written). Google Translate does a decent job. Usually, I go by "Peter" in English or German-speaking countries.

Officially, the last letter in my last name is "ć" (LaTeX: \'c). In foreign documents, I replace it with "c".